Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Before turning 2 years old, she is able to say “Pocoyo App! Mommy!”.

Perk: That young lass might launch a tech start-up soon.

Drawback: Be ready to get your wallet burned coz she might ask for the latest gadget available.

Friday, July 12, 2013

At 20 months, she is able to jump with her own feet.

Perk: She will have a future either as an athlete (perhaps a volleyball player) or as a dancer.

Drawback: She might use this athleticism in jumping over fences and gates when trying to escape.

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's a very good sign if she can already call you “daddy” at 7-months old.

     Perk: I can now start teaching her some new words to expand her vocabulary.

Drawback: There is a high probability that she will be as talkative (God forbid!) as Kris Aquino.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Some people say that having a more rotund forehead is a manifestation of higher IQ.

Perk: Your child will have a bright future if she uses that ample size of neurons.

Drawback: If she gave in to peer pressure, she’ll be rockin’ those bangs soon.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A smart kid should have a unique and witty name.

Perk: Aside for easy name recognition, obtaining a police clearance will be hassle-free.

Drawback: Expect some people scratching their heads and get their tongue twisted while pronouncing or spelling-out her name.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What's in thy name?

Worth the wait
After co-founding a start-up company last year, my wife has been persistently pushing me to have my own blog. Back then, my reply to her was "I don't have time", which rings true. A few months have passed and guess what?! You're now reading my first entry. Technically, this is my first blog post but it didn't count since it's a company piece. Now that I have all the time in the world to create a blog, I run out of any excuse not to.

So what’s in a name?
The blog title was derived from my name: Jigger.  It was a private joke between me and one of my classmates when he read a word from the dictionary. “Jigger, the one who jigs”, he said jokingly. Interestingly, the word “jig” pertains to a rapid movement which also denotes dynamism. 

Raison d'ĂȘtre
Anyway, the reason why I'm doing this is to chronicle my life being a father to a very smart kid (thus the blog description). Any parent would be proud of their children and this is my way of showing it. From time to time, I’ll be sharing the things (perks and drawbacks) that I learn on fatherhood.

